Prepare for Freezing Conditions

5 Ways to Stay Protected

Prepare for Freezing Conditions
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Beagle Services
January 12, 2024

We wrote this to help you prepare your home and avoid frozen pipes! Thank you for trusting Beagle as your water security partner. You already have your water security system installed - Hopefully, we are already helping you monitor it remotely 24/7 with Watchdog.

If you encounter a plumbing emergency, please be sure to contact a 24-hour emergency service plumbing company as we (Beagle Services) operate M-F 8am-5pm local time by appointment. Beagle Services will be observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day on 1/15/23. Our team looks forward to helping you when we are back in the office on Tuesday, 1/16/23.

5 Ways to Protect Against Frozen Pipes

1. Monitor Your Alerts for Freeze Warning - And Know What to Do Next

If you are home and receive a Freeze alert, open a faucet to let water “drip”*.

*If you have a Phyn or Flo by Moen System: To ensure that the system does not shut off the water due to continuous water flow, only open the faucet enough for a series of small drips to occur. This action can prevent a potential pipe burst, by relieving pressure on the supply line but you want the drips to be independent to avoid a shutoff.

*If you have a Leak Defense System: The default trip rate is 10% and you may need this amount increased to avoid a shutoff. Contact the manufacturer for direct assistance or on your Control Panel tap the “ Trip Rate” icon. This allows you to set the percentage amount of water that can flow before the Leak Defense begins its Alarm Countdown (to shut off). NOTE: Increasing the Trip Rate will make the system less sensitive to smaller leaks.

If you are away and receive such an alert, remotely turn off your automatic water shutoff valve. This action can prevent a catastrophic flood and water damage in the event a pipe does freeze and burst. This will not prevent a burst if one occurs, but can prevent significant loss or damage. To be proactive in case you are away and do not see this alert on your smartphone, remember to set your system to Away Mode before or when you leave your home.

2. Use water sensors around home to measure temperature, humidity and for FASTER automatic shutoff response to a burst pipe
When a sensor touches water (i.e., from a burst pipe), the sensor not only sends an alert immediately to your smartphone but also can initiate your automatic water shutoff valve to turn OFF the water in seconds!

If you have a Phyn or Flo by Moen system, water sensors also monitor an area for changes in temperature and humidity. In combating the cold, sensors can help you keep warm indoors by alerting you to freezing temperatures. This can be particularly helpful for areas less frequented or prone to colder temperatures, such as basements or garages.

3. Keep Warm Indoors & Open Cabinet Doors
Keep your home temperature above freezing, even when you're away. A smart thermostat can allow you to adjust your home’s temperature even when you’re away. If you're planning to be away for an extended period during colder months, set your thermostat to a temperature no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius) to help prevent freezing.

If you have pipes running through cabinets, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, open the cabinet doors to allow warm air from the room to reach the pipes. This helps maintain a higher temperature around the pipes.

4. Insulate Exposed Piping
Uninsulated pipes are more susceptible to freezing and bursting, which can result in costly water damage. You can find pipe insulation at your local hardware store, and it's relatively easy to install. Wrap it around exposed pipes in areas like the basement, attic, and crawl spaces. Consider insulating outdoor faucets to protect them from the cold.

5. Drain Outdoor Faucets
Disconnect and drain garden hoses. Shut off outdoor water supplies, including faucets and irrigation systems, and drain any remaining water to prevent freezing and potential damage to the pipes.

In Conclusion: The Cold Reality of Winter Water Damage
Winterizing your home and plumbing is essential to protect your property from water damage and plumbing issues. Taking these steps can help protect your property against water damage and loss from freezing. If you need assistance, Beagle is here to help!

Need help with your drip alert? Ask Beagle. We look forward to helping!

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Beagle Services

Beagle is your trusted water security partner.
We are experts in water monitoring and leak detection technology that is rapidly expanding through private and governmental incentives.